Covid-19 Update

7 Things to Know Before Starting Aerial Yoga

Aerial yoga is becoming incredibly popular, but there are still lots of information people don’t have about it. According to…

4 Tips for Avoiding Wrist Pain During Yoga

  One of the most common yoga injuries we see is wrist pain. This can come from people not planting…

Research Proves Again That Yoga Can Improve Mental Health

  Yogis have long believed that yoga cannot only improve one’s physical and spiritual health but also their mental wellbeing….

6 Facts About Yoga You Might Not Know

  Yoga has become insanely popular. With all of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits it provides us, it’s…

Listening to Yoga Music Before Bed is Good for Your Health

  A new study examining the way music affects one’s heart found that yoga music has positive health benefits. Dr….

5 Amazing Benefits of Yoga for Teenagers

  We were all teenagers once, in the throes of angst and confusion that mark adolescents. Being a teenager can…

Happy International Yoga Day!

  June 21st is International Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga! It’s been celebrated annually since its conception in…

How Couples Yoga Can Strengthen Your Relationship

  Yoga is traditionally an individual practice, where one gets in touch with themselves. However, jointly practiced yoga with another…

Unspoken Rules of Yoga Class Everyone Should Know

  Most yoga studios have a few rules they notify clients about, but mostly these classes operate on unspoken rules…

10 Ways To Stay Hydrated For Yoga

  Anyone that exercises know how important it is to stay hydrated. Now that it’s finally warming up, it’s the…