We all know that being active has a positive effect on our bodies, but for those suffering from health conditions like asthma, exercise has the potential of triggering an attack. The risk of this causes many people with asthma to be reluctant to embrace certain exercises.
Asthma, a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway, can cause attacks that include shortness of breath, chest tightening, wheezing, and coughing. Anyone who’s experienced one of these attacks will understandably be hesitant about embracing activities that cause it.
The good news is that a new study showed that yoga could improve the quality of life for those with asthma.
The study, published in Advances in Integrative Medicine, looked at the effectiveness of yoga therapy in the management of mild to moderate yoga. The study compared those who just followed their regular medical protocol and those that used a yoga program in addition to their medical care.
The group that participated in yoga reported significant improvements in their quality of life. They reported seeing an improvement in their symptoms, functional limitation, environmental stimuli, and emotional functions.
While this study is only small and one of many that need to be done, it is a promising look at how practicing yoga can improve life for those suffering from asthma. For asthma suffers wondering whether or not they should begin practicing, we suggest you discuss it with your doctor ahead of time. It is also recommended that individuals continue with their regular medical practices, and simply add yoga in as an addition.
For those just starting out in yoga, it’s best to start out in a beginner class and work your way up. The study focused on moderate-movement level yoga, not other levels of intensity so it’s unknown whether a more vigorous class or a specialty one such as hot yoga or aerial yoga would have the same benefits.
Interesting in starting yoga and want to see the benefits it can have one your asthma for yourself? Check out our class schedule and contact us to sign up today! Don’t forget to seek medical advice before beginning a new exercise regime if you have a chronic illness. You can also alert your yoga instructor ahead of time to keep them in the loop!