Covid-19 Update

Common Myths About Yoga Debunked

Yoga classes are an amazing form of exercise. It’s been practiced throughout history and since it’s introduction into the West…

What To Wear To Different Yoga Classes

After deciding which yoga class to take the next struggle is figuring out what to wear. Each type of yoga…

Yoga Types to Try Based On Your Current Go-To Exercise

Yoga is a great form of exercise, meditation and relaxation that benefits not only your body but your mind as…

Vinyasa Flow Routine For Beginners

Have you tried our Vinyasa yoga class and just can’t get enough? This beginners routine will guide you through practicing…

Holistic Benefits of the Sukhasana Yoga Pose

Sukhasana is a posture found in almost any yoga class at some point or another. It is sometimes known as…

6 Unexpected Meditation Hacks to Improve Your Practice

A regular meditation practice, even after years of having a yoga practice, isn’t always easy. What is easy though is…

12 Beginner’s Yoga Questions Answered

Going to your first yoga class can be intimidating, and for some, this goes on up to your second, fifth,…

Adorable Animals Doing Yoga

You love animals, and you love yoga. So then it only makes sense that you love animals doing yoga, right?…

The Holistic Benefits of Yoga Handstand

Yoga Handstand, Adho Mukha Vrksasana or Downward Facing Tree Pose (Adho – downward, Mukha – face, Vrksa – tree), is…

3 Benefits of a Consistent Yoga Practice

“Yoga tourism” is a term that I use to describe how most of us start practicing yoga. You go to…