“Yoga tourism” is a term that I use to describe how most of us start practicing yoga. You go to a studio by your office with a great teacher, then you find a studio near your home and another wonderful teacher. Pretty soon, you are practicing at 3 or 4 studios a week with a variety of teachers, yoga styles, and postures. It’s fun! But then you notice your yoga practice has begun to plateau, and you’re feeling kind of stagnant, and that doesn’t make any sense. You’re practicing more than ever, after all!
After decades of practicing yoga, I’ve found that having a consistent yoga practice – at one studio & regularly at home is the most beneficial.
Here are three benefits I have personally found:
When you have a wide variety of classes that you could go to, at a handful of studios, all with full rosters of teachers, the task of just picking which class and what time you’re going can become a bit of a chore.
By cutting down the choices to one sequence at the same time every day, you don’t have to think about it. You know exactly when, where, and how you’re practicing yoga. Every single day. The freedom in making this choice once, instead of a bunch of choices every week, is awesome.
By doing the same poses daily, you give yourself a chance to watch how your practice is progressing and changing over time. As a yoga tourist, you may do back-bending poses two days in a row and then not again for three weeks. It can be tough to move forward with certain postures unless you’re revisiting them often.
Almost all yoga poses have many layers to them: there is no perfect pose, there is no being “done” with a pose. Just when you reach a new level of strength or flexibility, a whole new echelon unfolds for you. By practicing a carefully sequenced set of poses day after day, you give yourself the opportunity to really understand and open up into those poses.
Bonus: when you do go to a workshop or a different class every once in a while, you’ll be pleased with how much your entire practice has changed. Daily repetition of a handful of poses will easily translate into depth and openness in poses that use the same strengths and flexibilities.
This is maybe my favorite, and certainly most life-changing, part of a consistent practice. By returning to your mat daily to go through the same sequence of poses, you create a point of reference for everything else happening in your life.
You can more deeply understand the impact of a change in your diet (or even just a night of pizza and wine) because you have something to measure it against. You will have more clarity around the quality of your sleep and when you feel fatigued versus energized. Emotionally, you become more even-keeled because there is a common thread through your days and weeks and months that ties things together.
Having yoga as the touchstone for my life off the mat encourages me to recommit every morning when I’m on my mat. All of a sudden, my practice isn’t only about movement, exercise, or connection to something greater than myself (not that that wouldn’t be enough!).