The holidays can be an exciting time. From presents to yummy food, there is a lot to look forward to. But the holidays can also bring feelings of stress and anxiety. Seeing family, traveling, managing money, and juggling schedules can be tough. Self-care is always important, but especially during the holiday times. Take care of yourself this holiday seasons by following these tips. The more you’re relaxed, the more holiday joy you can experience!
One of the most stressful parts of the holidays is family obligations. Whether this means traveling for a Christmas dinner or participating in winter traditions, it can really add up. Don’t forget that you can say no! Being an adult means making your own traditions. Spend the holidays doing things you love. If you try to please everyone but yourself, you’re the one that misses out on the magic of this season.
Sometimes you just can’t get out of holiday obligations. If that’s the case, just make sure to schedule time for yourself. Maybe you leave a whole day to do something you love like watching your favorite movie or going to see Christmas lights. Or maybe it’s just 30 minutes to take a nice long bath. Either way, if you’re busy, make sure to prioritize some time for yourself.
Daily schedules get thrown off around the holidays. Days off work, traveling, visiting relatives, and odd eating times can really mess with your regular routine. But try to stick with your daily habits as much as possible. Maintain your regular self-care routine, go to your yoga class, and don’t forget that regular errands like grocery shopping still need to be done. The more you keep you to your regular routine, the easier the holidays are.
There is a lot that goes into make holidays run smoothly. Buying gifts, preparing food, and visiting friends and relatives requires a lot of planning. Do yourself a favor and plan ahead. Leaving everything to the last minute can lead to unnecessary stress.
Saying no can seem impossible during the holidays, but sometimes it’s necessary. Don’t feel like you need to please everyone else. You’re not required to attend every holiday function. Select a few key events to go to and kindly bow out of the rest – your mental health is most important. Staying at home with family and doing low-key activities like making cookies can be just as fun and memorable!