Covid-19 Update

Q&A: Can I Eat Before Yoga Class?

Food is fuel for our body. It’s what gives us the energy to get through the day. Most people know…

Yoga May Help Those With Asthma

We all know that being active has a positive effect on our bodies, but for those suffering from health conditions…

4 Tips for Avoiding Wrist Pain During Yoga

  One of the most common yoga injuries we see is wrist pain. This can come from people not planting…

8 Best Yoga Positions For Men To Try

Yoga is often viewed as a “feminine” exercise, but traditionally yogis were men. Yoga can be super beneficial for men…

4 Ways to Improve Your Breathing Off The Yoga Mat

Breathing is one of the most important aspects of yoga. But synchronizing your breathing to yoga movements isn’t always as…

Love Yoga? Here are 5 Exercises That Will Make You A Better Yogi

Yoga has been booming for years now. It’s easy to see why; it’s more than an exercise, it’s a lifestyle….

Q&A: Is Hot Yoga Safe During Pregnancy?

To cut a long story short, while hot yoga isn’t necessarily unsafe to do while pregnant, it is also not…

Yoga vs. Pilates: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve ever looked into taking a new exercise class, you might have asked yourself what the difference between yoga…

Bad Behaviors to Avoid In a Yoga Class

Like anything in life, there are certain unspoken rules and yoga class etiquette. Certain actions and attitudes can vastly shift…

12 Beginner’s Yoga Questions Answered

Going to your first yoga class can be intimidating, and for some, this goes on up to your second, fifth,…