The way we hold our bodies affects who we are and who we become in the world. For many of…
The way we hold our bodies affects who we are and who we become in the world. For many of…
Yoga Handstand, Adho Mukha Vrksasana or Downward Facing Tree Pose (Adho – downward, Mukha – face, Vrksa – tree), is…
Cat/Cow Pose (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana) is a wonderful way to warm up the spine at any point on or off the mat,…
Adho Mukha Svanasana, or Downward-Facing Dog appears in most styles of yoga as either a strengthening pose, a transition pose,…
Crow pose can look intimidating. However, through the poses you practice on a regular basis in yoga classes, your body…
Tree Pose, otherwise known as “Vrksasana”, is probably one of the first yoga poses you learned. Although it appears to…
Downward Facing Dog is arguably the most popular poses you’ll find in your yoga classes, at least in the western…
Confident people are awesome. They give off a warm, magnetic energy that makes people feel really comfortable in their presence….
Yoga is great for relaxing and letting go of stress before bed. Poses such as forward folds and reclining postures…
Even the most zen yogi can feel overwhelmed at times. When things are starting to feel a little crazy and…