Yoga can be practiced by people of any age! From children to senior citizens, yoga is the perfect exercise. Yoga is great because almost any pose can be modified to fit an individual. So if you have arthritis, limited mobility, or other health issues, there will be an alternative pose to accommodate that.
Listen to Your Body
The number one thing to remember when practicing yoga as a senior is to listen to your body. Don’t force yourself into poses that don’t feel right. Bones become more brittle with age and muscle start to disappear. It’s the natural part of aging. With this increased risk of injury, there is extra important on not pushing yourself too far. If a teacher suggests a pose, please speak up asking for help or a modified position.
Build Slowly
Many seniors and older adults aren’t as active as they were when they were younger. If you are just starting to exercise again, or starting to exercise more, build slowly. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Even the younger crowd starts off in beginner yoga before they advance. The more you practice yoga the more your body will respond. There’s no rush to push you into a pose.
Take Special Classes
A lot of yoga studios offer specialized senior yoga classes with tailored poses. Retirement homes and communities are now bringing in special instructors too so help out older adults. There are plenty of options out there if you want to start getting into yoga.
Take precautions
It’s recommended that you discuss any new exercise regimen with your doctor before beginning. They are the best people to advise you on what course of action is best to take. Make sure to stay hydrated during classes too. If you start to feel dizzy, weak, or any pain stop immediately.
Health Benefits
There are tons of health benefits from practicing yoga, especially at a later stage in your life.
No one is too old for yoga. As long as your doctor signs off on it and you listen to your body you should be more than okay. Practicing yoga regularly will help improve your physical, mental, and emotional help. Time to hit the mat! Schedule your next yoga class easily online.