1. Flexibility: No, you won’t be forced into contortionist positions. The heat will allow you to safely reach new levels of personal flexibility in beginner’s postures, which is therapeutic for your body (see number seven). Plus, let’s be honest, being flexible is cool. You’ll be busting out Standing Bow Pose at your next party.
2. Strength: Your own body is your gym. This yoga is low impact and uses muscles you didn’t know you had—trying standing in a wide lunge for Triangle pose on carpet and not sliding! Also, a prime focus is on spine strength, which is key to a long healthy life!
3. Breath: The definition of Hatha Yoga asana is: stillness in a posture while breathing normally. With the added element of the heat, you won’t make it far if you don’t breathe deeply! If there is no breathing, there is no yoga. It won’t take long before you learn to breathe in a full and controlled manner.